Privacy Policy

STV ENGINEERING + CONSULTING, LLC is committed to protecting your privacy and any personal information that is shared with us.

Collection of Personal Data

Our website does not collect any of your personal data. Personal data is defined as name, address, email address, or phone number. However, we will collect information about you when you voluntarily choose to communicate with us via email or LinkedIn and provide your name, email address, phone number, etc. Providing your personal information to us is voluntary; however, without providing us with your personal information, your use of our services may be impaired. Your personal information may also be available to us from external publicly available sources. For example, depending on your privacy settings for social media services, we may access information from those accounts or services (for example, when you choose to interact with us through platforms such as LinkedIn).

This information is used only as you would expect to provide the services described on our website and is not sold or shared to any third party service.

Personal data is retained indefinitely or until business use ceases. You can request that we delete any personal information by submitting a written email request. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

We use Google Analytics and MonsterInsights to analyze web traffic and the number of site visits. Information about your visit to our websites include page viewed, date, time, length of visit to certain pages, etc. These services may collect your internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your device to the internet, browser type and version, date, time, and time zone setting.

You can view their respective privacy policies and how they use this information here:

How We Will Use This Information

  • To provide you with services, products, or information you have requested;
  • To respond or answer any questions/inquiries/general communication;
  • To administer and improve our website and make it more effective, reliable, safe and secure


We use Google Analytics and MonsterInsights to analyze web traffic and the number of site visits. This includes the use of cookies to help identify and track visitors and their website access preferences. You can view their respective privacy policies and how they use this information here: